Faith First? To whom will you go?

What does it mean to put “faith first”? It’s hard to keep a heavenly perspective in all aspects of life. The schedule gets busy. Horrific tragedies happen throughout the world. People we love get sick and die. Sometimes the storms of life are so heavy it’s overwhelming. It’s hard not to think the light at the end of the tunnel might just be a train.

Where do we go when life is tough? Peter’s words in John 6 are comforting when I’m anxious or distraught. People couldn’t understand Jesus’ teaching and many left. The Lord asked the disciples if they were going to leave too. Peter’s response is the best. “Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life’” (John 6:68). It’s almost as if he’s saying, “Yeah, right Jesus. Where are we supposed to go? You’re the only way  to truth, life and eternity.”

The acronym F.A.I.T.H. lays out the basics for following the Lord through all circumstances; the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

F          FOCUSED
Where do you go when the going gets rough? Anything other than the Lord is  as fragile as a spider’s web. (Job 8:13-15) Set your sights on the Lord. My father-in-law taught me to drive a hydraulic plow behind a John Deere tractor. He instructed me to keep my eyes on the horizon to keep the rows      even; not where I’d been, either side or the furrows directly in front. He told me it was just like looking forward to heaven. When one focuses on where one is headed, the goal, it’s a straighter path without distractions.

A          ATTENTIVE
Pay attention to the little things. The smell of spring rain, the feel of a newborn’s soft skin or the sound of a child’s laugh all have a powerful effect on a person. When we take the time to see the details of creation, it points to our Creator. When I’m busy, I miss it all!

Quiet time is a gift. Take time each day to quiet your heart and mind. Talk to God and listen. My days are always better on the mornings I take the time for the Lord, to read the Word and  my devotional, write in my prayer journal, and pray. Be intentional in relationships, with God and others.

T          THANKFUL
Who do you praise when life is grand? I seem to be more prayerful when thing are falling apart, when I need help. Remember all good things are from above (James 1:17) Express a thankful heart, even in the midst of difficulties.

H         HOLY
Jesus’ own are to be set apart. Do others know to Whom you belong? Jesus loves each and every one of us enough to lay down His life. He guards us, protects us, and provides for us, always and forever. We are holy, set apart to proclaim His love. (1 Peter 2:9)

It’s a choice. To whom will you go?

I’m with Peter. I choose Jesus.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6

[ctt template=”2″ link=”dcEUc” via=”yes” ]Where do we go when life is tough? F.A.I.T.H.[/ctt]