More Than Just a Thank You Note

I remember leaving the mall one day when my two boys were little. They both ran ahead to open the door for me. We had been working on manners and acts of kindness. Another shopper hurried past me through the open door. Rather than expressing her appreciation, she scowled, “You don’t need to open the door for me, I can do it myself.” The boys were bewildered. I was disgusted. Good grief, two little guys opening a door were not insinuating she wasn’t capable. They were just trying to be kind and helpful. And to be little gentlemen! She should have chosen a different door.

Appreciation comes in all shapes and sizes. Thank you goes so much farther than the simple verbal thanks. Although that may be a stretch for some people! Expressing thanks is plain and simple kindness and gratitude rolled into one. Be on the look out this week for ways you can say thanks, especially if someone is kind enough to open a door for you!

Here are a few additional ways to say thank you.

• Send an old-fashioned, hand written thank you note.
• Make breakfast, a hot breakfast for your family.
• Use the comment section on the USPS hold mail page to let your postal carrier know you appreciate the great service.
• Add a larger tip for the server at the cafe.
• Put together a basket of thanks for your pastor: ingredients for an Italian dinner, video rental gift card with popcorn or a homemade pumpkin pie.
• Meet the bus and thank the driver for keeping your kids safe.
• Offer “Thanks! God bless your day!” to the cashier, dry cleaner or gas station attendant.
• Send a note of appreciation to your child’s teacher. Include your child in the note writing!

The list could go on and on. Think of your own way to say, “Thanks a lot!”

© 2011 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash