The Thank You Project


Thanksgiving is a time to stop and reflect on exactly what one is thankful for in life. It’s easy to thank God for the big things; a healthy report after the biopsy, safe travels through a thunderstorm, reconciliation with a friend. When I slow down enough to really thank God, I’m humbled by His provision in the little things. You know, like clean socks piled on top of the dryer, all the ingredients for that new recipe on hand, safety on the school bus everyday. The little things are often taken for granted. So frequently I desperately ask the Lord to help me and when He does, I go on my merry way and forget to even say thanks. Yet I’m emphatic about my kids saying thank you. Go figure!

This season, my focus is on the “Thanks”; to God and all the people in my life that love me, help me grow, and even challenge me. Thirty days are needed to change a habit. Thanksgiving a little more than a month away. Join me in “The Thank You Project.” Make thanks-giving a part of each day in word and deed. “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2

In future posts, I’ll provide ideas to nurture a thankful heart in children, foster a spirit of giving and provide ideas for service as a family. Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate you!

© 2011 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash