Quiet Time for Little Kids to Rest

Quiet Time is a gift for parents. It’s also a gift for little kids! After a busy morning followed by lunch, an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate is good for everybody- adults, little kids, and everyone in between. There’s a reason “peace” and “quiet” are often stated together! Try these tips to incorporate Quiet Time into your family’s daily schedule. Quiet Time for Little Kids

7 Family Tips for Quiet Time for Little Kids Quiet Time for Little Kids

  1. Allow children to choose what they would like to read.
  2. All family members take part, including Mom and Dad.
  3. Avoid screen time. Choose hard copies of books and magazines.
  4. Choose a comfortable and cozy place for Quiet Time.
  5. A specific time limit is not necessary.
  6. Use Quiet Time as a precursor for a nap. Children who are transitioning from two naps to one or elevating naps entirely may need additional sleep. A quiet place to cuddle up with a book may result in nap time.
  7. Discuss what you’ve read during Quiet Time. Ask your children open-ended questions to guide in reading comprehension and pre-reading skill building.

© 2020 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved. Quiet Time for Little Kids

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Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash