Top Ten Technology Tips for Parents

Do you need guidance in making tech decisions for your family?
Are your tweens and teens seemingly addicted to their technology devices?

“Technology is the number one reason parents believe it is harder than ever to raise children.”I believe the research and statistics. As a mom of two young men, I’ve walked the tech tightrope. As an educator, I’m often helping parents try to balance. As a result, here are my top ten tips for parents dealing with the challenges of technology and kids.

Top Ten Tech Tips for Families

  1.  Know your child and where he is online.
  2.  Limited screen time for the whole family.
  3.  Stick to your family rules and values.
  4.  Know what’s age-appropriate.
  5.  View and discuss movies as a family.
  6.  Play games together.
  7.  No tech in bedrooms or at mealtimes.
  8.  Plan tech-free family times.
  9.  Provide an out for your kids if they are being pressured to watch/play inappropriate shows/games.
  10.  Be a good role model with time and content online.

© 2019 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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1. “Six Tech Habits Changing the American Home” Barna