A Thanksgiving Twist

Traditions are extremely important in a grandparent’s legacy. A fairly common tradition at Thanksgiving would be to go around the table answering the question, “What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?” I’d like to put a twist on that question. When you reflect on what that question focuses on, the conclusion is “I”! The response is, “I am thankful for…” and then the rest is everything that “I” have received. This question can be kind of selfish.

So here’s the twist, a question for Thanksgiving that still involves being thankful but would take the focus off of the “I” statement and put it on someone else or God. Try this little twist, “To whom are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?” Now the responders will still consider what they are thankful for, but they have to switch to the one who provided what they were thankful for! Deeper thinking is required. There’s real potential for God to be the “whom” for many of those around your table. God would be in Grandma and Grandpa’s answer to lead the way in gratitude to God.

Not all of you will be in charge of the family table, but all of you could suggest this twist on the normal to the host! Do something different this Thanksgiving. Maybe a new tradition will begin! And it can be a spiritual addition to your legacy. If this is too extreme of a twist, consider doing both questions in one, “What are you thankful for and to whom are you thankful for regarding your answer?”

Ephesians 5:20 is a perfect example of this. It’s not a list of what we are to be thankful for, but it reminds us that we ARE to consider to Whom we are thankful – I will always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It’s time to be different and different in a way that brings your family to at least think about the One to Whom we all should be giving thanks for EVERYTHING!

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord,
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 5:19-20

A special thank you to guest blogger Larry Hoekman for sharing his insight and experience to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren.

Larry Hoekman has been married to Linda for over 52 years and is the thankful parent of two and Papa of five. His career was as a counselor, teacher, and coach at both public and Christian high schools. He is currently Board Chairman for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Coaches Team International, which brought him to China, North and South Korea, and The Maldives doing basketball ministry. He’s been a speaker at various parenting, men’s, and teen retreats and has written a daily devotional blog titled God2me for over 12 years. He has presented the information in his book, Intentional Grandparenting with God’s Vision, as a seminar for 9 years primarily near his Central California Coast home and in various states. Currently, he is associated with Renewanation, retired; does life coaching; and pursues ministry in multiple ways.

Connect with Larry or purchase a signed copy of Intentional Grandparenting with God’s Vision  by emailing Larry at [email protected] or [email protected]. Follow Larry’s daily blog, God2me.


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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash