A Time to Serve Others

Well, this probably finds you at a time where you are “done” homeschooling, but there is still much of the semester left. Maybe you’re “done” cooking and preparing every single meal for your family. Perhaps, you are just exhausted and the only place you can find rest is if you lock yourself in the bathroom for a few stolen moments. Then, a little blog post pops up (this one!) and suggests what you really need to do is serve. Your response may be, “Are you kidding me? I can’t hardly serve my family, how am I supposed to serve anyone else?”

You might be a family that is already doing random acts of kindness for others and that is terrific. If you have served during this unprecedented time, I hope your family made great memories and bonded over your outreach.

I believe that God has called us for such a time as this to serve others. During this unprecedented time, it is important to keep our eyes focused outward and upward. The more we look inward, the more stressed, fearful, and lonely we can become.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Senior citizens and those with disabilities are more isolated than others due to compromised immune systems. Jesus commands us to, “Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed” (Luke 14:13-14). So, what can families do to serve when we can’t invite people over? We can serve these marginalized communities in creative ways.

Ideas to Serve Others

  • Write notes and color pictures for seniors. Send them to a local assisted living home. Contact your church for the names of seniors in the congregation. Older adults in isolation would love to get mail from your family!
  • Have your kids raise money by doing extra chores or projects around the house. Have them create their own money container by decorating a jar or can. “Change Everything” is a ministry of Joni and Friends Ministry serving those with disabilities by providing wheelchairs and the Gospel message around the world. Check out this video to learn more about the “Change Everything” project. Please contact [email protected] and they will provide the materials needed to make a change collector and process your donation.
  • Do you know a family that has children with special needs? They most likely feel more isolated that ever. Consider making a meal for the family or having an impromptu dance party in their driveway with proper social distancing of course! You could drop off a party in a box that includes party hats, treats and maybe a fun game or stuffed animal. A “just because” party is extra special for families in these challenging days.

While COVID-19 is highly contagious, kindness is contagious too! Find new ways for your family to serve others who are truly isolated. Spread the love of Jesus in tangible ways, sharing Jesus’ message of hope.

By Sarah Norton
Minnesota Area Director
Joni and Friends

© 2020 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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