Media, Technology & Young Children

Media, Technology & Young Children

Media and technology are terrific tools for parents! Not so much for young children as technology has a negative impact. How often do you use GOOGLE? I’m searching online daily for everything from maps for driving directions to recipes for dinner.  Unfortunately, allowing young children to use tech devices has an impact on brain development.…

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Purposeful Prayers for Littles

Purposeful Prayers for Littles

Make time to pray with your littles. When purposeful prayer becomes a natural part of family life, children learn conversing with God matters. Quick “arrow prayers”, memorized prayers, requests for forgiveness, prayers of thanksgiving, and bedtime prayers to recap the day are ways to incorporate conversations with God into daily life. Prayer Models for Young…

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Christmas and Candy Canes

Christmas and Candy Canes

A Candy canes are iconic confections that can share the Christmas story with young and old alike. Really, is there a better method of stirring cocoa than with a candy cane? Candy canes became popular in our family for a few reasons. One, we all really like peppermint, especially on cocoa. Two, the candy is…

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Christmas Countdown: Advent Calendars for All Ages

Advent Calendars

The countdown to Christmas begins soon! Prepare the hearts and minds of all ages to celebrate the birth of Jesus with an Advent calendar. Store bought or homemade, Advent calendars can be a great way to focus the holiday on faith. When my eldest son came home from college for Christmas break his freshman year,…

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Family Fun at the Thanksgiving Table

Family Fun at the Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving, a time to for family members to have fun with one another. When families join together around a holiday dinner table, reminiscing and reconnecting build long-lasting relationships. Gratitude is an attitude to encourage is kids of all ages, and adults too! Make part of your time together a learning experience for everyone too. If…

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Make a Wise Choice for PreK and Elementary School

Make a Wise Choice for PreK and Elementary School

Make a wise choice for PreK and elementary school by thoughtfully considering the options available. Use the considerations and questions below. The process doesn’t need to be complicated. Compile a list of possibilities in your community. Use the school websites to gather information. Determine what type of school would best fit your family and provide…

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Picky, Picky Eaters

Picky, Picky Eaters

Picky eaters are frustrating at any age, from toddler to teens. Get in the habit of encouraging your littles to give new foods a chance. Incorporating a “One Bite Rule” encourages kid to at least try new foods and to keep trying. What’s rejected today might be a favorite tomorrow! When working with fussy eaters, try…

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Growing Capable Adults

Growing Capable Adults

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. In my book, The Best Ideas I’ve Ever Heard (What I Want My Grandchildren to Know), I have an essay which is titled “A Parent’s Objective: growing…

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Ten Springtime Stress Relievers for Busy Moms

Ten Springtime Stress Relievers for Busy Moms

Spring should be a time of quiet renewal, a reawakening after a long winter. Unfortunately, it’s a time of stress for many moms. Unfortunately, May is  BUSY with the ending of school year events, summer activities beginning early, and sport team practices moving into high gear. Throw in a graduation, wedding, or even a birthday…

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Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God

Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God

Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God by Lee Ann Mancini reaches to the heart of the matter for both parents and grandparents. This new parenting resource goes deep into what it takes to lead children to the foot of the cross and develop faith for life. Building a strong foundation…

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