Posts by Becky
Books for Boosting the Best Behavior
Boosting polite, respectful, and kind behavior in kids can be encouraged by snuggling up with a good story. Books are a natural teaching tools for parents and grandparents. Here’s a list of our favorites to get kiddos thinking about others and acting their best. Books for Boosting the Best Behavior The Berenstain Bears and the…
Read MoreBuilding Confidence with Manners Conversation Cards
Do you want to build confidence and self-esteem in your grandkids? Are you looking for a fun way to teach manners? Are you interested in starting a discussion about polite behavior with your grandchildren? When kids know how to behave in social situations, they are confident! Grandparents, you have more influence over your grandchildren than…
Read MoreToileting: 10 Training Tips
Toilet training is one of those tough parenting topics. Everyone has issues with toileting in one way or another. Every child is different. Potty training is social, emotional, physical, verbal, and psychological. Lots of pieces need to come together so watch for readiness on all fronts. Try these strategies for training your child. Toilet Training…
Read MoreGood Manners Start in God’s Word
– The basis for good manners and polite behavior for all ages and stages of life is found in the Bible. Scripture is filled with verses in how to relate to others well. If you’re needing resources for teaching your kids or grandkids to respect God, others, and themselves, dive into the Bible. – Paul…
Read MoreScience Readiness for Preschoolers
Young children are scientists at heart. Kids experiment to make sense of their world. Scientific learning begins at birth, with cause and effect and builds from there. Science readiness is easy to implement with young children. Encourage curiosity and exploration in your preschooler. Scientific learning happens indoors and outdoors. Use the following tips to guide…
Read MorePowerful Prayers for Kids
Powerful prayer is a parent’s best tool to both encourage and protect our kids. Start the day covering your children of all ages with blessings and love as they head out the door, off to school, and into the world. Daily prayer becomes a great habit, for the whole family. Incorporate scripture into the prayer.…
Read MoreCreating a Bedtime Routine
Creating a bedtime routine benefits the whole family. Keep the sleep schedule as consistent as possible, even during school breaks and vacations. When everyone is well rested, family life is a lot more pleasant. Creating a Bedtime Routine Plan quiet activities 30 minutes before bed to set the stage for sleep. Make your child’s bedroom…
Read MorePreparing for the New Baby
Babies are a blessing! Preparing kids for the new baby is helpful for everyone. A new baby can be great fun, a tremendous challenge, or both for Mom, Dad, and the siblings. Here are tips to aid in the transition, before and after the baby arrives. Before the Baby Arrives Keep the lines of communication…
Read MoreThe Stars and Stripes: A Matter of Respect
Grandchildren study little about the goodness of America today. They are not necessarily taught to recognize or respect the Stars and Stripes as a symbol of liberty and freedom. Lost also is the appreciation of those lost defending freedom or those currently serving in the military. Grandparents, the goodness of America can be made known…
Read MoreGod’s Great Gift… FAMILY
A special thank you to guest blogger, David Appelhof,  for sharing his love of the Lord and the blessing of family. xoBecky God’s gifts have been many throughout my lifetime. One of the greatest gifts is my family. Family reunions are a time to celebrate and give thanks for the relationships we share. My wife,…
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