THE Book for Summer Fun with the Grands

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Summer is is full swing so it’s time to make a PLAN!! Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations is THE book for summer fan. Faithful Grandparenting is packed with activities and adventures. If you’re expecting to spend time with your grandchildren, take a few moments to order the book. Choose, Amazon, or your favorite bookseller.

Why read Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations? Because our goal is to provide user-friendly ideas to lead younger generations to a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ. Equipping ideas will help you in developing strong relationships with your grands.

For many grandparents, this book can be used to enhance the grandchild’s faith development. For others, you may be the only connection your grandchildren have to learn about Jesus. Each relationship is different and, therefore, no one way fits everyone. This book has a plethora of ideas and strategies for all!

Because we want to make the planning easy, each idea or recommendation is preceded by a box for your convenience. Just check the box for future reference if an idea strikes a chord or sounds like something your grandchild would enjoy. Visit for updated resources, new ideas, and the latest in grandparenting.

Get your book today! Make a plan to have the best summer ever with the grandkids!

© 2022 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Phil Goodwin on Unsplash