Finding Calm in the Chaos of Planning for Summer: 6 Questions

This is the beginning of the new series, March Madness for Moms. Let’s kick the month off with getting set for the summer months. There really can be a place of peace…calm in the chaos of making summer plans.

Can you feel it in the air? The frenzy is beginning! The big question, ”What will the kids do over the summer months?”

Registration for camps, sports teams, youth activities, art classes, and more is in full swing. The opportunities for families and children are amazing. The challenge is determining what’s best from the long list of really good choices.

Family meetings are a good venue for making decisions for what the summer months will entail. Here are a few considerations to discuss.

6 Considerations in Choosing Summer Activities with Children

  1. Will we be going on a family vacation this summer? If so, when, where, and for how long?
  2. Are there any other family plans for June, July, and August that need to be taken into consideration? (Weekends at the cabin, extended family events, etc.)
  3. Are there activities that are mandatory from a parent’s point of view? (Vacation Bible School and swimming lessons qualified in my family.)
  4. What one activity does each child REALLY want to participate in during the summer?
  5. Will transportation issues and carpooling need to be discussed?
  6. Will the schedule allow for family time?

Considering the extreme cold we’ve experienced the past few months, planning summer activities will be a nice respite. Begin the meeting with prayer, asking the Lord to guide you in your plans. Have brochures, catalogs, or the computer handy to get the details for each activity. Include a copy of the calendar months (June, July, and August) to pencil in ideas. Make the family meeting fun by serving ice cream sandwiches as you and yours dream of sunshine and summer.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…
Psalm 32:8a

© 2014 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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