Meaningful Mentors

Think of all the people who have guided you, shaping you into the person you are today. Parents, pastors, coaches, teachers, siblings, and others have invested time and energy in guiding and encouraging you on your path.

But who specifically guides you as a mom? Who are your parenting mentors?

When I think back on the women who have coached me as a parent, I’m so grateful. Intentional mentors I have worked with on-on-one, older women from which friendships have developed, and family members with wise counsel have guided me on my parenting journey.

Some have been offered quick snippets of advice, like the older woman who attended Mom’s Morning at my church. She noticed my look of angst as a young mom when a number of other parents were discussing all the actives their children were participating in over the summer. She quietly pulled me aside and told me I didn’t need to keep up with that busy scheduling. My boys would be just fine with swimming lessons, vacation bible school, and playing in the backyard. She was so right!

Other mentors are for specific activities I’ve been part of in the past. Bev, my teaching leader for Bible Study Fellowship, encouraged me in many ways to use the gifts God has given me for His glory as I teach other parents. She has challenged me to dig deep into the Word of God, speak truth with grace, and lead with conviction.

Still others have inspired me. My sweet friend Carol is so passionate about teaching children our Christian American heritage. Her desire to have the truth spoken always is inspirational to me as mom. Her smile is contagious. Her encouragement, irreplaceable.

When I have BIG parenting problems, I call Lori, my ministry partner, coauthor, and friend. She’s a step ahead of me on the parenting journey and is tremendously insightful. Plus she knows me well; what ticks me off and makes me cry. She listens, offers advice, and prays.

But…mentoring isn’t all about what others can do for me.

Being a mentor to younger moms to share, pray, and encourage is a gift. I walk away each time thinking, “I hope she feels as blessed as I do.” I learn so much from the women who come to me with questions and concerns. And I really love sharing life with these younger women, both the frustrating challenges and the joy-filled moments.

Moms, if you don’t have a special someone to guide you, pray for a mentor. 

Then, look at the younger women around you. Is there a young mom you could walk with and encourage as she raises little ones?

These older women must train the younger women
to love their husbands and their children,
to live wisely and be pure…

Titus 2:4

© 2014 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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