Media, Technology & Young Children
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Media and technology are terrific tools for parents! Not so much for young children as technology has a negative impact.
How often do you use GOOGLE? I’m searching online daily for everything from maps for driving directions to recipes for dinner.
Unfortunately, allowing young children to use tech devices has an impact on brain development. The American College of Pediatrics states, “Given the rapid development of the brain, it is not surprising that infants and young children exposed to screen time demonstrate changes in both the structure and function of their brains.” (ACP, 2024)
I have two overarching strategies for families.
- Supervision
A parent’s presence is the best security measure to keep kids safe and healthy. According to the American College of Pediatrics excessive exposure to screens is linked to “lower academic performance, sleep disturbances, obesity, attention deficit, increased aggression, lower self-esteem, depression, and increased rates of high-risk behaviors”. (ACP, 2024) For toddlers and preschoolers, minimal tech use with a parent is recommended.
Part of being present is also being a good role model. Intentionality in how we model time online provides a healthy example for our kid’s future media use. - Family Media Plan
A family media plan is a practical way to manage technology and media thoughtfully and proactively. Creating a plan when your children are young and modifying the plan as kids mature sets boundaries and provides security. Check out the
Family Media Plan from the American Academy of Pediatrics for an online template.
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Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash