Motherhood: A Balancing Act
Do you ever feel like a circus performer spinning plates on tall poles, hoping to keep each plate whirling and dreading the CRASH of one hitting the ground? I certainly do. While working on one task, I’m often distracted by the other “plates” I need to keep spinning.
Trici Goyer, wife, mom of six, author, radio personality, and homeschooler has a new book out this month entitled Balanced: Finding Center as a Work at Home Mom. She shares her life as a busy wife and mother. I found her words encouraging and helpful! I hope you do as well!
In Balanced, Tricia reminds us a balanced life is a work in progress, a journey, not a destination. Living one’s life for the Lord, listening for His quiet voice directing our paths will give us the balanced lives we long for. Choosing to set priorities, choosing to be faithful, choosing to be intentional, choosing to be honest, choosing a to-don’t-do-list is all part of attempting to balance.
Balanced is a blend of Tricia’s life as a wife, mom, and writer, modeling how to use the gifts God has given her to glorify the Lord in her work. Her approach to life is realistic, practical, warm, and prayerful. The balanced life is achieved only by leaning into God, realizing our dependence on Him. Tricia’s analogy is for all women, working to honor the Lord in the many ways we are called. Tricia provides practical tools for getting to the core of what’s important. The thirty-eight tips at the conclusion of the book guide the reader to examine priorities and how to view life through the eyes of eternity.
“At no other time in history have ordinary women,
from the comfort of our homes been able to impact so many
for the kingdom of God
while at the same time overseeing the shaping of little souls.”
Tricia Goyer Balanced (p. 36)
Thank you Tricia for the tenacity in encouraging moms to be all they can be for the glory of God!
USA Today best-selling author Tricia Goyer is the author of over 35 books, including the three-book Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series and Lead Your Family Like Jesus (co-written with Ken Blanchard). She has written over 500 articles for national publications and blogs for high traffic sites like and She is the host of Living Inspired, a weekly radio show. Tricia and family live in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have six children. Visit Tricia’s website to get to know her and learn more about her ministry to moms!
Tricia is hosting the Balanced Challenge, an 11-day challenge to “spring clean your life”. The challenge starts TODAY! Click here for more information. Balanced is available digitally at Amazon and Barnes and Noble for $2.99.
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