Not a ReSolution, but a ReVolution!
To make a resolution is obviously to resolve, which is a verb meaning to reach a firm decision about. For example, my “New Year’s Resolution” may be to resolve or decide to do something differently. These are goals but usually without a plan or without considering what price you will have to pay to achieve that resolution – a recipe for failure and most resolutions fall in that failure category.
However, maybe there is a better way this year. Not a resolution, but a reVolution! One of the definitions of this word is “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about something.” A reVolution isn’t a short term change, but is one that impacts your life forever. I’ll share a personal reVolution.
I live on the Central Coast of California where the summer mornings are dominated by coastal fog brought in by the hot weather in the middle of the state. This made for cold, misty mornings, and I didn’t like them. However, my reVolution came when I changed by way of thinking about the fog. I began to call it our “air conditioner” and welcomed the coming 75 degree afternoons, while the middle of the state wallowed in 100 plus degree days. Now when the fog raises its ugly head, I think, “Great, the air conditioning is on and it will be a beautiful afternoon.” My whole attitude towards summer mornings changed, as I became thankful for the fog instead of resentful. A life time reVolution!
Here are are a few of examples of a New Year’s ReVolution you might want to have be part of your life. The first is as a parent or grandparent, don’t consider yourself as filling a position within a generational family, but think of your role this way – the living God of the universe has chosen YOU and equipped you to be the perfect parent or grandparent for each of those precious children. No, you won’t be perfect, but partnering with God you are His #1 choice for this most important ministry!
Also, think about how you currently consider Jesus. Maybe as a babe in a manger, maybe a great man, maybe God walking the earth like a man. But a reVolution would be to consider Jesus the way He introduced Himself to John in Revelations. Chapter 1 verse 8, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Memorize these words and think about Jesus this way!
Another would be the way you see clouds. You can find the Trinity in the clouds! The cirrus clouds are the wispy ones that stretch across the sky. These represent the Holy Spirit as He touches us across the panorama of the various aspects of our lives. Then the strength and power of God is represented by the cumulus clouds which rise and billow in a continual expanding display. And the rest of the clouds? They represent Jesus, as He could be the forgiving Savior or the temple clearing God!
This year how about no New Year’s Resolutions, but experience a New Year’s ReVolution using the above stated ideas or whatever form of thinking you need to change. Make this a life changing New Year!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
A special thank you to guest blogger Larry Hoekman for sharing his insight and experience to encourage and inspire both parents and grandparents to connect with their grandchildren.
Larry Hoekman has been married to Linda for over 52 years and is the thankful parent of two and Papa of five. His career was as a counselor, teacher, and coach at both public and Christian high schools. He is currently Board Chairman for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Coaches Team International, which brought him to China, North and South Korea, and The Maldives doing basketball ministry. He’s been a speaker at various parenting, men’s, and teen retreats and has written a daily devotional blog titled God2me for over 12 years. He has presented the information in his book, Intentional Grandparenting with God’s Vision, as a seminar for 9 years primarily near his Central California Coast home and in various states. Currently, he is associated with Renewanation, retired; does life coaching; and pursues ministry in multiple ways.
Connect with Larry or purchase a signed copy of Intentional Grandparenting with God’s Vision by emailing Larry at [email protected] or [email protected]
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