The Intentional Grandparenting Plan

Silhouetted family holding hands on a beach at sunset. Text reads: "The Intentional Grandparenting Plan" with website "" in yellow, embodying the essence of intentional grandparenting.

Guest blogger and coauthor of Faithful Grandparenting, Carol Olsen, is passionate about grandparents speaking into the lives of their grandchildren. Watch for more ideas from Carol! Becoming intentional in your grandparenting takes planning. In our grandparent classes and in Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations, we encourage making a PLAN… an intentional grandparenting plan.…

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Valentine’s Day Reminders of God’s GREAT Love

A charming Valentine's Day message, "Reminders of God's Great Love," displayed beside a fabric heart delicately clipped to twine, captures the essence of divine affection in a simple yet profound way.

Valentine’s Day is a great time to remind others how much they are loved by God. Sometimes in the busyness of life, we forget how much our heavenly Father truly adores each one of us. Download and print this free valentine to share reminders from God’s Word, the Bible. 7 Ways to Share Valentine’s Day…

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