Growing Capable Adults

Growing Capable Adults

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. In my book, The Best Ideas I’ve Ever Heard (What I Want My Grandchildren to Know), I have an essay which is titled “A Parent’s Objective: growing…

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Grandparents, Family History Bridge Builders

Grandparents are Family History Bridge Builders

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. . Grandparents can be fantastic family history bridge builders. They are the bridge between the past with their own memories of their parents and grandparents to the…

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Give Grands Something Worthwhile to Remember

An older adult and a child holding hands walk along a sandy path toward the beach. The text reads, "Positively influence their memories with moments that matter." A website address, "," is below.

Being a grandparent is the greatest gift you can have in life on several levels. First, it lets you get to know (and hopefully positively influence) the next generation in your family. These are the folks who, long after you are gone, will carry your legacy forward so make sure they have something worthwhile to…

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