Chores: Little Jobs for Little People

Two young children are diligently doing their chores in the hallway. The child in the foreground, sporting glasses, a necklace, jeans, and no shirt, pushes a mop. Meanwhile, the child in the background sweeps with a broom while wearing pants with suspenders on the polished wooden floor.

When parents ask if their little kids should do chores, my immediate answer is an emphatic, “YES!” Helping one another is part of family life. Jobs around the house qualify for gifts of service. The benefits of helping around the house are many. Learning to care for oneself and others, living in an organized and…

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How Can I Help You?

A young child wearing glasses and jeans is diligently mopping a wooden floor in a hallway. Meanwhile, another child helps by holding a broom in the background. Both are shirtless, working together in their brightly lit home setting, turning chores into teamwork.

When I’m offered assistance I feel cared for, don’t you? Whether it’s my boys, husband or the kid bagging groceries, it’s really nice to have help. Life is a little sweeter when you don’t have to do the heavy lifting alone. Jesus came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28). We can do likewise.…

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