How to Handle BIG EMOTIONS in Little Kids

A baby, displaying big emotions with a cute, pouty face, sits on a plaid picnic blanket in a grassy area. Dressed in a white shirt with a small pocket and shorts, the little one stands out against the blurred greenery in the background.

We’ve all dealt with meltdowns/tantrums/hissy fits with our littles. Big emotions in young children are typically over exaggerated responses, but frustrating for parents. Use these ten proactive tactics to help your child cope. Top Ten Tips to Handle BIG EMOTIONS in Little Kids Break skills into smaller chunks to allow for success. Have realistic expectations…

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Chores: Little Jobs for Little People

Two young children are diligently doing their chores in the hallway. The child in the foreground, sporting glasses, a necklace, jeans, and no shirt, pushes a mop. Meanwhile, the child in the background sweeps with a broom while wearing pants with suspenders on the polished wooden floor.

When parents ask if their little kids should do chores, my immediate answer is an emphatic, “YES!” Helping one another is part of family life. Jobs around the house qualify for gifts of service. The benefits of helping around the house are many. Learning to care for oneself and others, living in an organized and…

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Back to School for Little Ones

It’s time to get our little ones ready for school! Lori Wildenberg, my ministry partner and co-author, and I have a lot of experience sending our preschool through college-age children out the door for the first day. Combining our knowledge with that of the 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting Team, you and your kids will be…

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Bible Basics for Little Kids

How well do your children know God’s Guidebook for life? How well do you as a parent know the Word of God? Many parents in 1 Corinthians 13 Parent classes don’t feel well-equipped to lead their families in faith matters. Let me reassure you…you do not have to be a theologian. You do not have…

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