Blending Our Family… 45 Years Later

Open Bible on a dark surface with text saying "Blending Our Family... 45 Years Later" and "," highlighting the journey of blending family principles with enduring faith.

Guest blogger, David Appelhof, shares his experience with us in creating a blended, faith-filled family. I love the way he and his wife, Diane, had a goal beginning with Jesus as the center of their family life. A special thank you to Diane and David for sharing the story of blending their family.  xoBecky Years…

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10 Tips for a THRIVING Marriage

A couple's hands are cupped together, holding Scrabble tiles spelling "FOREVER" as a symbol of their marriage. They stand on grass, with the woman in a crochet top and bracelets, while the man sports a yellow wristband.

“Dinner table discussions are all about the kids; homework, sports, and chores.” “We never have a moment to ourselves.” “Sometimes I look at my spouse and wonder, ‘When did we lose the spark?’” Let’s face it, marriage is hard. It’s like any relationship, a person needs to communicate and spend time with the other person.…

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The Babysitter Checklist for First-time Parents

Close-up of two people holding hands. The person on the right wears an engagement ring, hinting at a future together. They stroll down a blurred tree-lined path, suggesting a romantic setting—a moment of connection before perhaps discussing plans with their babysitter.

This post is specifically for new parents. Dating is really important for your marriage. The new little bundle of joy needs you, but you can and should take a break, with your spouse to have some fun as a couple. The baby joined your union. Find a great babysitter takes time and effort but is…

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Date Night is Marriage Insurance

What’s your best tip for a bride-to-be? Words of wisdom from those of us who are married are often times shared at bridal showers. Some ideas are sound advice; others are downright funny. “Keep the lines of communication open.” “Settle your differences before you go to bed.” “Be kind to your mother-in-law.” “Don’t share a…

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An Awesome Gift for Your Kids: A Strong Marriage

I was giddy. The hotel was beautiful, the restaurant opulent. This was special, dinner and an overnight date, just the two of us. Scott and I had just left our bags in the room and were waiting at the elevator to go for dinner when we received the call. “I’m so sorry but your son is…

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What God has Joined, Let No One Separate

A close-up captures a couple's hands resting together, yet separate in identity, on a bouquet of peach roses and greenery. The woman's hand showcases a diamond ring, while the man's features a silver band and a watch with a brown leather strap.

A dad in a parenting class once said, “As soon as the kids came on the scene, I slipped down a notch on my wife’s radar screen. The dog and I now compete for second place.” His wife poked him the ribs with her elbow and frowned as the other parents at the table laughed.…

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Love Each Other

A couple stands closely, love evident in their stance, holding hands against a backdrop of green foliage. They wear casual, warm clothing: a beige sweater and plaid shirt on one, and a red plaid shirt with jeans and brown boots on the other. Faces are not visible.

This month is all about LOVE! It’s a giant attribute and a command from God. Jesus tells us in John 15:17, “This is my command: Love each other.” But what about when you just don’t feel very loving? Many years ago, my pastor spoke on love and marriage in a sermon, encouraging men to love…

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A Fascinating Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is next week, February 14th. What are your expectations for the day, a romantic candlelight dinner, gorgeous red roses, a heart-shaped box of chocolates? It’s so easy to get caught up in the trappings of the day. What if your Valentine’s Day was fascinating this year? I hope your curiosity is piqued! Heather Larson,…

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Unity in Your Family

Thank you! I’m grateful for all of you who subscribe to this blog. Today I’m embarking on a new adventure, vlogging (video blogging). I hope you enjoy the first vlog post! This week’s topic is Unity in the Family. Everyone desires a tranquil, peaceful home. Chaos and unrest are created by disunity. How are you…

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Date Night

A couple stands on grass, holding hands on what seems to be a perfect date. The word "FOREVER" is spelled with Scrabble tiles resting in the open palms of their hands, layered together. The woman's hands are on top, adorned with a lace dress and bracelets.

Spontaneous date night is not really an option with little ones in the house. A plan is necessary! Unfortunately the plan is often times determined by the babysitter’s schedule. Funny how a thirteen-year-old can dictate date night. Sick kids can play into the equation too. I remember one special evening. Scott and I had a wonderful…

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