Ten Springtime Stress Relievers for Busy Moms

Ten Springtime Stress Relievers for Busy Moms

Spring should be a time of quiet renewal, a reawakening after a long winter. Unfortunately, it’s a time of stress for many moms. Unfortunately, May is  BUSY with the ending of school year events, summer activities beginning early, and sport team practices moving into high gear. Throw in a graduation, wedding, or even a birthday…

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Encouraging Summer Reading

A young girl with braided hair sits at a table, deeply immersed in reading "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. The background is softly lit, and text on the right side reads, "Encouraging Summer Reading." Website URLs are at the bottom.

Encouraging summer reading can be difficult. Sometimes kids need a little incentive to read during the summer months. Here’s a tried and true idea to get kids motivated and reading…Book Bingo! There are kids who are naturally drawn to books. I was one of these kids; flashlight under the pillow, a few books going at…

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A Plan for Mom

The backpacks are packed, the forms are submitted, the kiddos are off and running. After weeks of preparing for the beginning of the school year for your children, take time to plan your fall. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, catch your breath, and contemplate these areas of enrichment. Just for you! Proactive Plan for…

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Words from the WORD to Bless Mom

  Bless mom and grandma on Mother’s Day with a special verse from God’s Word, the Bible. A handmade card from a child is a keepsake gift. Construction paper, stickers, kid art, and even glitter (if you’re up for the mess) make cards personal. Use a concordance to find a verse or use one of the verses…

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10 Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep…for MOM

“I am SO tired!” This is one of the main personal complaints of moms. Lack of rest makes us crabby, impatient, and often sick. Why are we so incredibly worn out? The most common reason is moms today are over scheduled, over booked, and overwhelmed. Take a careful and honest inventory of the commitments on…

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The Orange Monogram

Friends, I invite you to get to know moms who are making a difference using their God-given gifts and talents on FaithFirstParent. Each has found her sweet spot. I hope you’ll enjoy Candace’s story and be inspired by her passion and labor of love for the Lord. With faith, hope & love, xoBecky Candace Slagle,…

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More Margin, Less Stress

    In parenting classes I sometimes begin with an ice breaker. A favorite is, “If you had a day to yourself to do anything you’d like without any regard to time, money or distance, what would you do, where would you go, and with whom?” Moms with younger children get animated with the thought…

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Meaningful Mentors

Think of all the people who have guided you, shaping you into the person you are today. Parents, pastors, coaches, teachers, siblings, and others have invested time and energy in guiding and encouraging you on your path. But who specifically guides you as a mom? Who are your parenting mentors? When I think back on…

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Taking Care of YOU When the Kids Go Off to School

If you felt a tug at your heart when the kids got on the bus, you are not alone. Some moms are sad by the quick passing of the summer months and the advancement in the years marked by kids in school. Others are thrilled to finally have a moment to themselves after a busy,…

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Motherhood: A Balancing Act

Do you ever feel like a circus performer spinning plates on tall poles, hoping to keep each plate whirling and dreading the CRASH of one hitting the ground? I certainly do. While working on one task, I’m often distracted by the other “plates” I need to keep spinning. Trici Goyer, wife, mom of six, author,…

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