Purposeful Prayers for Littles

Purposeful Prayers for Littles

Make time to pray with your littles. When purposeful prayer becomes a natural part of family life, children learn conversing with God matters. Quick “arrow prayers”, memorized prayers, requests for forgiveness, prayers of thanksgiving, and bedtime prayers to recap the day are ways to incorporate conversations with God into daily life. Prayer Models for Young…

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Mistakes are Okay

Mistakes are Okay2

Mistakes are learning opportunities. Use these strategies to assist your kids in making the most of mistakes by learning to problem solve. It’s a great skill to practice! Errors are made all the time. The response to making a mistake ranges from anger and frustration to sadness and self-deprecation, depending on the perceived failure. How…

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Grandchildren Helping with Family Dinner

A warmly lit dining table is set for dinner with plates, candles, and glass bottles. The text reads "Grandchildren Joyfully Helping." Visit FaithFirstParent.com and FaithfulGrandparenting.com for more heartwarming moments.

Give grandchildren, littles, middles and bigs, a job to do when gathering as a family. Grandma Gail has found a great way to get all the children working together as soon as they arrive. She has plates, glassware, and silverware out, ready to go on the table. All are part of the party preparations. The…

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12 Tips for Transitioning to Kindergarten

A table with wooden letters and colorful Play-Doh containers sets the scene for kindergarten. Text overlay reads, "12 Tips for Transitioning to Kindergarten," with "FaithFirstParent.com" at the bottom right.

Kindergarten, it’s a big deal for children! Some kids transition well into the next stage of their education. Others are comfortable at preschool and would prefer not to change schools or classrooms! And other kids vacillate between excitement and hesitancy. With all kids, acknowledge the emotions that go into the kindergarten transition. Taking the time…

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Freedom of Speech vs. Love and Respect

Heart-shaped string lights on a surface with the text: "Freedom of Speech vs. Love & Respect," highlighting the delicate balance between freedom and compassion. Visit "FaithFirstParent.com" and "FaithfulGrandparenting.com" for more insights.

Is anyone else tired of watching the news, reading social media, and listening to talk radio or podcast? It boils down to freedom of speech verses love and respect. Everyone seemed to have an opinion. Yes, we have freedom to speak and the right to assemble, but what part of our constitutional right of free…

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Purposeful Prayer

A person with long hair stands outdoors in a moment of purposeful prayer, hands clasped as the sun sets behind them. Text reads "Purposeful Prayers" and "FaithFirstParent.com.

Prayer is the conduit to heaven. Prayer provides strength and peace to our lives and covers our families with spiritual protection. So why don’t we pray more often? Prayer takes time. Period. We have to create space in our busy lives for prayer. S.D. Gordon sums it up well, “Great people of the earth today…

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Overcoming Mom Shaming

Woman lying on a pillow, looking at the camera with a serious expression. Text overlay reads "Overcoming Mom Shaming" and website "FaithFirstParent.com." The image conveys themes of contemplation and resilience against shaming.

Have you been a target for your parenting perspectives, decisions, or actions? Many of us have, for one reason or another and it’s not pleasant! Any act of degrading, criticizing or demoralizing other mom for her parenting choices is considered considered shaming. There are a few typical reasons moms throw looks and comments at other moms.…

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Learn, Discern and Protect Your Family

A person sits at a table with an open book and their phone nearby, pen in hand. The text reads, "Learn, Discern and Protect Your Family FaithFirstParent.com.

Where do you go to learn, discern, and protect yourself and your family when the world is crazy? The best place to go is to your knees with God’s Word and an open heart. A young mom texted me recently for resources to use during the pandemic and social unrest. Both she and her spouse…

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A Plan for Mom

A white cup of cappuccino with heart-shaped latte art rests on a rustic wooden table, echoing the warmth of a mom's love, beside two closed notebooks—one white, one brown. A black pen lies alongside them, ready to jot down cherished memories.

The backpacks are packed, the forms are submitted, the kiddos are off and running. After weeks of preparing for the beginning of the school year for your children, take time to plan your fall. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, catch your breath, and contemplate these areas of enrichment. Just for you! Proactive Plan for…

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9 Backseat Tips for Parents of Young Adults

A person drives a car down a scenic countryside road, open fields and mountains in the background. The sunroof is open to a cloudy sky, while a straw hat rests on the dashboard. An empty passenger seat mirrors the solitude of the backseat, embracing the journey's quietude.

Moms and dads have a backseat view of their children’s lives when they leave the nest. Our input is sought, sometimes. Rarely is the advice taken as a directive. This is good! We raise our kids to be independent, and ultimately dependent on Jesus. Calling home at every bend in the road of life and getting…

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