Creating a Bedtime Routine

Creating a Bedtime Routine

Creating a bedtime routine benefits the whole family. Keep the sleep schedule as consistent as possible, even during school breaks and vacations. When everyone is well rested, family life is a lot more pleasant. Creating a Bedtime Routine Plan quiet activities 30 minutes before bed to set the stage for sleep. Make your child’s bedroom…

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BIG Emotions in Little Children

Got BIG emotions in your little ones? If so, it’s perfectly normal, aggravating and stressful, but normal for small people. There are a variety of reasons kids exhibit high emotions. Tantrums associated with BIG emotions typically originate with basic needs not being met, developmental challenges or power struggles. Basic needs include sleep, food and drink,…

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7 Tips for Littles to End Daylight Savings Time: SLEEP

Two pairs of adult feet and one pair of small child's feet peek out from under a yellow blanket in a cozy bed, inviting sleep. The wooden-framed bed features two light blue pillows resting against the headboard.

Moms and dads… get set for a time change! Daylight Savings Time ends on November 4. A 60-minute swing in the schedule can make a big difference in a child’s world. The rule of thumb for moving the clock for Daylight Saving Time is: SPRING- spring ahead, FALL- fall back. Start a week ahead of…

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10 Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep…for MOM

“I am SO tired!” This is one of the main personal complaints of moms. Lack of rest makes us crabby, impatient, and often sick. Why are we so incredibly worn out? The most common reason is moms today are over scheduled, over booked, and overwhelmed. Take a careful and honest inventory of the commitments on…

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Top 10 Sleep Tips for Kids… and Parents

In regard to attitude, health and general well being nothing beats a good night sleep. I know at my house when we are not getting enough of the old shut eye things deteriorate quickly; tempers are quick to flare, work doesn’t get done and we all usually end up sick. Rest is important! Even God…

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Kids, Sleep, & Daylight Savings Time

November 4, 2012…Daylight Savings Time ends. One extra hour of sleep! Get your kids ready for the time change and a new bedtime routine. This and other vlogs may be found at What’s special about the bedtime routine at your house? I’d love to hear about it!

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Getting into the Swing of Things… SCHOOL!

A stack of school books with an apple on top sits on a wooden table. To the right, colorful wooden blocks spell "ABC," surrounded by several colored pencils. An abstract painting is blurred in the background.

Few things will assist you and your children with a smooth transition back to school as much as a well-established routine and good preparation. Take into consideration sleep habits and family mealtimes. Determine where backpacks and school supplies are going to be kept. Decide on where homework will be done. Preparing before the first day…

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Chasing and Catching the ZZZs

A close-up of a baby peacefully sleeping on a soft surface, as if chasing dreams. The baby is wearing a light pink outfit, with arms stretched above the head. The lighting is soft, highlighting the baby's serene expression and gentle features.

You know the nights…tossing, turning, and readjusting the pillow over and over. Sometimes getting to sleep can be a chore. The culprit can be anything from too much caffeine close to bedtime to anxious thoughts. Our kids can suffer the same problem. The suggestions below will help your child avoid those restless nights. Set the…

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Getting Enough ZZZs…Sleep

A newborn baby lies on white sheets, sleepily wearing a gray knitted hat with cartoonish eyes and a black nose. The baby has its mouth open, appearing to yawn or make a noise, with one hand raised near its face.

Sleep Habits for Kids …when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24b Getting Enough ZZZs? In regard to attitude, health and general well being nothing beats a good night sleep. I know at my house when we are not getting enough of the old shut eye things deteriorate quickly; tempers are quick…

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