Date Night is Marriage Insurance

What’s your best tip for a bride-to-be? Words of wisdom from those of us who are married are often times shared at bridal showers. Some ideas are sound advice; others are downright funny. “Keep the lines of communication open.” “Settle your differences before you go to bed.” “Be kind to your mother-in-law.” “Don’t share a…

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What God has Joined, Let No One Separate

A close-up captures a couple's hands resting together, yet separate in identity, on a bouquet of peach roses and greenery. The woman's hand showcases a diamond ring, while the man's features a silver band and a watch with a brown leather strap.

A dad in a parenting class once said, “As soon as the kids came on the scene, I slipped down a notch on my wife’s radar screen. The dog and I now compete for second place.” His wife poked him the ribs with her elbow and frowned as the other parents at the table laughed.…

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