Tough Transitions Tips for Littles

Close-up of a young child experiencing the challenge of transitions, eyes closed in distress. The text reads "Tough Transitions: Tips for Littles" and "

Do your little kids ever have a tough time with transitions? Is switching gears from playtime to cleanup difficult? Everyone has trouble with transitions now and again, adults included. Most families with young children deal with transition trouble often. Try these techniques for specific situations transition more easily. Helping your child cooperate and shift more…

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7 Tips for Littles to End Daylight Savings Time: SLEEP

Two pairs of adult feet and one pair of small child's feet peek out from under a yellow blanket in a cozy bed, inviting sleep. The wooden-framed bed features two light blue pillows resting against the headboard.

Moms and dads… get set for a time change! Daylight Savings Time ends on November 4. A 60-minute swing in the schedule can make a big difference in a child’s world. The rule of thumb for moving the clock for Daylight Saving Time is: SPRING- spring ahead, FALL- fall back. Start a week ahead of…

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"I Want My Mommy!" Separation Anxiety in Young Children

“I want my mommy!” Being separated from what is known and comfortable can be difficult. Some children say goodbye and hop right into the classroom without a backward glance. Others have a hard time leaving the protective arms of the parent. Sometimes it is the parent who has a hard time letting go. The behavior…

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Back to School Transition Tips for Parents

Kids aren’t the only ones who experience angst when the school year begins. The transition can be challenging for parents too. Lori and I hope these tips will help you ease into the school year, smoothly and peacefully. If you cannot access the vlog, you may go directly to YouTube to view the video at

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