What’s Our Mission as a Family?

What’s Our Mission as a Family?

Family mission statements define the values, vision, and expectations of the family. Children typically live up to the expectations set for them. A well-defined description of who a family is and what they believe clarifies overarching goals for each member of the family. What’s your family’s statement of intent? Faith-filled families are centered in Jesus…

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Grandparents, Family History Bridge Builders

Grandparents are Family History Bridge Builders

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. . Grandparents can be fantastic family history bridge builders. They are the bridge between the past with their own memories of their parents and grandparents to the…

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The Bible: A Family’s Guide to Life

An open Bible radiates wisdom against a sunlit path in the park, framed by lush grass and trees. Text overlays read "The Bible: A Family's Guide to Life" and "FaithFirstParent.com.

Faith lessons and family values are rooted at home, in what a child learns, observes, and lives each day. So, how well do your children know the Bible, God’s Guidebook for life? Can your children defend their beliefs? Can they stick to biblical principles and family values despite the whims of society? I’ve noticed in…

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10 Considerations in Choosing an Elementary School

A young girl with a pink bow in her hair focuses intently as she writes at a classroom desk. Text on the image reads "10 Considerations in Choosing an Elementary School" and directs you to FaithFirstParent.com for more insights.

There are a number of considerations in choosing an elementary school. The process can be a nerve-racking experience for parents. Public or private? Faith-based or secular? Large school or smaller school? Moving from a preschool your child liked, with a teacher you’ve come to know and love can make it even harder for both you…

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Faith Lessons for Big Kids and Little Kids

A person is reading a large open book, possibly a textbook or reference book, on a wooden table. The book's pages have handwritten notes, reflecting their faith in knowledge. A colorful, patterned notebook is partially visible beneath the book.

How well do your children know the Bible? Can your children defend their beliefs? Can they stick to biblical principles and family values despite the whims of friends and the culture? Faith lessons and family values are rooted at home, in what a child learns, observes, and lives each day. I’ve noticed in parenting classes…

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What to Tell Kids When Beliefs Differ

A group of young girls in matching blue sports jerseys with orange numbers sit on a bench beside a soccer field, united by their shared beliefs in teamwork. They are focused on the game, holding small items in their hands, as the field and other players are visible in the background.

What do you do when your kids’ friends don’t believe in Jesus? Not everyone has the same beliefs. Our kids will always have people in their lives who don’t have a Christian worldview. It can be hard for kids and parents when a child develops friendships and spends time with families who have a different faith…

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