Taking Care of YOU When the Kids Go Off to School

If you felt a tug at your heart when the kids got on the bus, you are not alone. Some moms are sad by the quick passing of the summer months and the advancement in the years marked by kids in school. Others are thrilled to finally have a moment to themselves after a busy, fun-filled summer. Many of us have mixed emotions.

After weeks of preparing for the beginning of the school year for the children, make time to plan your fall. Will you participate in a Bible study, an exercise class, or an art class? Do you have projects you’d like to tackle? Take a moment to catch your breath. Find a quiet time to pray.

• Discern where God would like you to serve: school, church, community?
• What project has been on the back burner that can now be completed?
• Is there a friendship that needs attention?
• Do you have a hobby you’d like to experience or one you’d like to get back to doing?
• What book have you been waiting for the time to read?
• Is there a class you’ve been wanting to take?

Connect with friends who can encourage you in your faith, marriage, and parenting. (Here’s a post highlighting the benefits of girlfriends: Silver, Gold and 3:00 AM Girlfriends.) Find a mentor who can help you discern where God would like you to serve others. Strengthen your relationship with the Lord through the Bible and prayer. Start a Bible study with a friend or a small group.

Most importantly, continue to learn. When kids see Mom continuing to educate herself, they see how important lifelong learning is for personal growth. (This applies to dads too!)

Many blessings for a beautiful school year!

© 2014 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash
