Thanks to Our Veterans

I was in New York City last week. My son’s high school marching band was invited to take part in the NYC Veteran’s Day Parade. What excitement was in the air! I have to admit I was very proud to be a band mama. He looked so handsome in his uniform!

I can only imagine the pride of the parents of the men and women who serve in our armed forces. To place love and service of country first is as noble and honorable as it comes. Placing oneself in harms way to serve the United States of America is an act of unselfishness and a devotion to a greater good. As multiple American flags passed by on Fifth Avenue, I could hardly contain my tears. What a gift it is to live in the home of the free and the brave.

My family was fortunate to stand next to a WW II veteran during the parade. As we left, we shook his hand and thanked him profusely for his service to our country. He humbly accepted our thanks. How grateful our nation should be for men and women who protect and serve.

Take advantage of opportunities to say thanks to those who serve our nation. From military personnel to the local police officer, they all deserve a word of thanks!

© 2011 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Samuel Branch on Unsplash