Welcome to Faith First Parent

This is the first post after a very l-o-n-g hiatus from writing on my own website. It’s a kick-off, for the brand new Faith First Parent website. So, welcome to Faith First Parent.

May FFP be a source of encouragement for you!




Last week, I attended the state early education conference (MnAEYC). During one of the workshops the presenters had participants take part in an activity to discern what activities, people and habits are “fillers” (positives, passions, fuel) and “emptiers” (baggage, stressors, negatives). Then we were to pair up a filler with and emptier to determine if we were balanced or in need of change.

As I began pairing fillers with emptiers, there was a one to one correspondence until only a single slip of paper was left. The paper read “FAITH”, one of my fillers. I was struck with how this plastic cup with a small piece of paper folded in it was a poignant reminder of how my life would be totally out of sync without faith.

Faith is the basis of this ministry, putting faith in Jesus Christ first in our families. When the road gets rough, and at points in parenting it always gets rough, we have faith to lean into and God to rely upon. When we hit those tough spots, it’s the response that makes or breaks us, with faith or without.

Wouldn’t it be nice if kids were easy all the time? They’re not, I know first hand. There was a time when I was ready to throw in the towel on parent and family ministry. Can God use a mom who feels inadequate with her own kid to help others? He can. I realized when I only had faith left it was all I really needed in the first place. Hard times in my own parenting journey have made me more approachable, real, and dependent of God.

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). I’m a work in progress (not quite to the “delight” part yet) but I can be glad in the aftermath of each storm that I don’t have to walk alone. God taught me He has control, not me. He loves my family more than I could possibly comprehend. His plans will prevail. I have faith He is with me, always.

If you need encouragement, Faith First Parent is the place for you. Faith is the foundation. Love is the motivator. Together we will tackle all the firsts, from pregnancy to college launching. Thank you for joining me!

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Copyright ©2017 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.