Siblings: 10 Pointers for Positive Relationships

Sisters and brothers… SIBLINGS. Home is the place where we learn many life lesson, especially from our siblings. Relationship lessons, how to get along with others, solve problems, practice friendship skills, and resolve conflicts, are all acquired one way or another at home. How well the lessons are taught is up to the parents. Just as Mom and Dad’s relationship is the model for marriage, sibling interactions lay the groundwork for future friendships. sibling

So, how do we encourage our kids to be friends with one another?  sibling

Ten Pointers for Encouraging Positive Sibling Relationships  sibling

  1. Do not compare children. Each child is uniquely created. When parents compare kids, it leads to rivalry.
  2. Train kids to share. One day the child will need to share with a roommate or spouse.
  3. Encourage empathy. Listen well.
  4. Build confidence. Be cheerleaders for one another.
  5. Help one another. Train children to ask and be willing to receive assistance with homework, chores, and other tasks.
  6. Serve others as a family. When families work together to help others less fortunate, there’s a great sense of blessing and gratitude.
  7. Trust is foundational in families. Home needs to be a place where confidences are kept.
  8. Plan Family Fun Nights. Enjoy each other’s company! Laugh together!
  9. Foster a team mentality. The Three Musketeers mantra worked well for my family. “All for one and one for all.” God knits each family together. It’s our job to figure out how to get along and create a loving, peacful home.
  10. Expect the best. Parental expectations play a tremendous role in how children behave. Keep the bar high in regard to sibling relationships. Expect each member of the family to live up to the expectation.  sibling

There are few greater things than to have family members that are not only civil to one another, but actually like to be together. Unfortunately, we all tend to save our worst behaviors for the ones we love the most. Expect your children to do better, to love unconditionally and to always exhibit kindness. Sibling congeniality, it’s a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. relationships

© 2018 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.  sibling

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash  sibling