10 Tips for Terrific Parent-Teacher Conferences

Fall conferences provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to collaborate as a team to discuss the curriculum as well as the specific needs of your child. Make the most of fall preschool and elementary school conferences with these ten tips for terrific parent-teacher conferences.

Keep ins mind, your child’s teacher is well trained and has each student’s best interests at heart. Conferences are a time to gain valuable insight into your child. Cooperate and collaborate for your child’s success in school.

10 Tips for Terrific Parent-Teacher Conferences

  1. Arrive promptly.
  2. Stay within the scheduled time.
  3. Keep the conversation focused on your child.
  4. Bring a notebook and pen.
  5. Ask specific questions.
    What activities is my child drawn to during the school day?
    What are my child’s favorite toys, games or learning centers?
    Is my child progressing as he should be for his age and developmental stage?
  6. Discuss Social Emotional Learning.
    How well does my child interact with all classmates?
    Does my child tend to lead or follow others?
    Does my child cooperate and get along well with others?
    Who does my child typically play with at school?
    Are there any behaviors my child is exhibiting at school I can work on at home?
  7. Explore ways you can expand learning at home to practice what’s being taught at school.
  8. Ask how you can support the teacher and the school.
  9. Enjoy collaborating with your child’s teacher to strengthen the home-school connection.
  10. Discuss the conference with your child later in the day. Address concerns and celebrate achievements.

Cooperate and collaborate for success!

© 2019 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash