Got Zucchini? Make Cake!
A number of years ago my friend Judy shared an absolutely AWESOME cake recipe with me. Not only is this cake moist and chocolatey, but it’s loaded with zucchini. Yes, zucchini, the green vegetable that often gets the nose scrunch from many kiddos who refuse to eat anything green. It’s a chocolate disguise for a…
Read MoreBenefits of Intentional Friendships for Parents
A new school year is about to begin! Kids are ready to jump into learning and fun. Parents are ready to get back into a regular schedule. It’s exciting to watch children prepare not only for another academic year, but a classroom of new friends. The same can be said for parents. New volunteer prospects,…
Read MoreTen Ways to Improve Communication with Your Teen
“Once my kids became teenagers, I felt like I’d lost them to their friends.” “He won’t talk to me anymore. He just grunts.” “She spends more time texting than talking!” “What’s with big sighs and rolling eyes?” Sound familiar? Parents are frustrated, sad, and sometimes uneasy when teenagers stop communicating with Mom and Dad. How…
Read MoreDo Your Kids Talk Back? How to Stop It, NOW!
Back talk is ugly. No matter what the age of the child, it’s just plain ugly. A child’s insolent, disrespectful, and argumentative response, both verbal or nonverbal, can make any parent furious. Our culture has produced great role models for disrespect. Try watching any TV show or movie to see what I mean. Kids are…
Read MoreFaith Lessons for Big Kids and Little Kids
How well do your children know the Bible? Can your children defend their beliefs? Can they stick to biblical principles and family values despite the whims of friends and the culture? Faith lessons and family values are rooted at home, in what a child learns, observes, and lives each day. I’ve noticed in parenting classes…
Read MoreAre Our Kids Experientially Poor?
Are our kids experiencing life, real life? Are they experientially poor because we don’t allow them to fully enter into decision-making, problem-solving, conflict-resolving situations? When we step in, kids don’t have the opportunity to step up. We’re actually making life more difficult in the long run. Tips to Erase Experientially Poverty Let kids fail. Failure…
Read More10 Tips for a THRIVING Marriage
“Dinner table discussions are all about the kids; homework, sports, and chores.” “We never have a moment to ourselves.” “Sometimes I look at my spouse and wonder, ‘When did we lose the spark?’” Let’s face it, marriage is hard. It’s like any relationship, a person needs to communicate and spend time with the other person.…
Read MoreWhat to Tell Kids When Beliefs Differ
What do you do when your kids’ friends don’t believe in Jesus? Not everyone has the same beliefs. Our kids will always have people in their lives who don’t have a Christian worldview. It can be hard for kids and parents when a child develops friendships and spends time with families who have a different faith…
Read More9 Backseat Tips for Parents of Young Adults
Moms and dads have a backseat view of their children’s lives when they leave the nest. Our input is sought, sometimes. Rarely is the advice taken as a directive. This is good! We raise our kids to be independent, and ultimately dependent on Jesus. Calling home at every bend in the road of life and getting…
Read MoreThe Manners Makeover: 7 Timely Tips
Summertime is a great opportunity to focus on manners with your kids. With more time for family meals, make the most of these teachable moments. Here are seven tips to keep in mind for your family’s manners makeover! 7 Timely Tips for a Manners Makeover Give directions in the positive. For example, “Please take your…
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