I’m TOO Busy! What are Your Priorities?

Why is BUSY worn like a badge of honor? Yes, it’s great to do noble things like helping at school, teaching Sunday school, leading the Brownie troop, serving on the PTA. The question I have for you is, what are your priorities and what in your busyness brings you joy? And I ask from a place of complete humility as one who has run herself ragged at times!

I hear the phrase, “I’m too busy” so often from parents. Sometimes it’s from a place of pride. Often times it comes from a desire to be all for all. We weren’t meant to do it all, for everyone. Trust me, I know.

Saying NO to volunteer opportunities can be difficult. A good friend once told me, “Saying no gives someone else a chance to serve.” Ouch, but she was totally right. After years of being one who typically took on any and all volunteer service opportunities, I’ve learned. Now, I stop, give myself time to think, pray, check with the schedule and talk it over with my husband. It’s a much better system than responding, “Sure, I’d love to help out.” Really, I would. We all want to be needed and help others.

So, before you receive the next email or call asking to lead or participate in a terrific activity or event answers these questions to clarify your desires and strengths.

  1. What are my priorities? 
  2. How much time do I realistically have to volunteer? 
  3. Will this service opportunity bring me joy?
  4. What are my gifts and talents to be shared with others?

Then, when the opportunity arises, ask yourself if the volunteer job falls into your list of priorities, time, joyfulness category, and giftedness. If not, give someone else a chance to serve. You’ll be a happier parent!

© 2019 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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