Relieve Your Child’s Stress…Tell the Teacher!

Tell the teacher about difficult circumstance to help relieve your child’s stress at school. Begin by getting acquainted with the staff at your child’s school, most importantly, the classroom teacher. Take the time to share anything that would help with the transition to school. Inform the teacher of circumstances that may be stressful, upsetting or distracting to your child. The death of a pet, an ill grandparent or a stressful situation at home can cause angst in a child. This often results in inconsistent behaviors. Please alert your child’s teacher if there is:
– a change in childcare.
– a new sibling on the way.
– a change in the person who will be transporting the child to/from school.
– an illness in the family, including the child.
– a situation that may be upsetting for your child.

When the adults in a child’s life on the same page, they can more easily help the child navigate and relieve stress in both happy and sad circumstances. The details aren’t always necessary, but sharing what’s difficult in life will make the child feel loved and cared for by all. The team mentality between school and home is a gift for young children, so tell the teacher to help relieve your child’s stress at school.

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© 2019 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Pan Xiaozhen on Unsplash.