10 Tips for Difficult Family Gatherings

A rustic table setting with a lattice-topped pie and a bowl of apples captures the essence of family gatherings. Text reads: "10 Tips for Difficult Family Gatherings" alongside URLs FaithFirstParent.com and FaithfulGrandparenting.com. Wheat stalks add to the charm.

Family gatherings can be a time of joy, a time of angst or everything in between. God created our families. It’s our responsibility to try our best to be a loving peace keeper, even with the really difficult relatives. And there’s usually at least one in every family. The uncle who consistently asks inappropriate questions, the…

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Dealing with Anger and Anxiety

A woman with long, blonde hair is facing left in a backlit setting, exuding a calm demeanor despite an undertone of anxiety. She wears a green top and hoop earrings, while in the blurred background, a person with a beanie quietly observes.

There’s no doubt COVID-19 has rocked our world and stress is running high. Dealing with anxiety is hard. Routines have changed. Most of us are homebound. Many are disappointed, anxious, frustrated or downright scared. The stress can become too much. And when we’re anxious for any reason, we tend to take out our frustrations on…

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KNOCK IT OFF! Bullying

Rows of shopping carts, reminiscent of soldiers in uniform, stand neatly lined up in a store. The white metal bars and red plastic handles are chained together with precision, much like a united front against bullying, showcasing their unwavering arrangement and uniformity.

People of all ages bully others. It’s so sad. Have you witnessed bullying in action lately? I have. While waiting for my items to be bagged at the store a couple weeks ago I witnessed an interesting exchange. I was the last customer in line before the cashier was to go on break. He had…

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