Parent Tips for Healthy Social Media Use

Parent Tips for Healthy Social Media Use

Parents often ask for tips for teen social media use. My usual response is to remind their kids that phones are tools not toys, Google is a resource library, and social media is meant to be social. Unfortunately, with the average person spending 2.5 hours a day on social media platforms, the boundaries for our…

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Avoid Tech Traps and Communicate Well

A family of three delights in a breakfast of waffles, sausages, and fruit at a white table decorated with small plants. The text reads, "Communicate Well & Avoid Tech Traps," while is prominently displayed.

Communication is key to great relationships. Kids need a lot of coaching for good communication skills. They learn by watching, listening and having discussions with others. Avoid tech traps and communicate well with your kids. Verbal communication is much more than just the words we speak. The tone and volume impart meaning as much as…

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Kids and Cell Phones: When to Say YES

A commonly asked question in parenting classes is, “When can a child have a cell phone?” The question is often followed by, “He tells me all his friends have one.” Not all kids have cell phones. And there’s no perfect age. It’s a privilege, not a right. Middle school and high school kids are the…

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