Avoid Tech Traps and Communicate Well

Communication is key to great relationships. Kids need a lot of coaching for good communication skills. They learn by watching, listening and having discussions with others. Avoid tech traps and communicate well with your kids.

Verbal communication is much more than just the words we speak. The tone and volume impart meaning as much as the actual words. Nonverbal communication makes a difference too. Listening, body language, empathy, respect, honesty, and love are all communication skills necessary for learning to interact well with others.

Adults can emphasize communication skill building by practicing with children through play and by modeling through interactions with others. Take the time to listen, answer questions, and have conversations with your young children. Let me reiterate that: Take the time to listen, answer questions, and have conversations with your young children. Please put your cell phone away, on silent or better yet turn it off, and talk to your kids.

One of the most detrimental issues in relating and communicating well with others is technology. Eye-to-eye contact with full attention on the person we are conversing is difficult when multitasking with a cell phone. Often, it’s to the point of total distraction. Use these tips to aid in avoiding “tech traps”.

  • Make mealtime screen-free/tech-free.
  • Use tv, video, tablet, and cell minimality in the car or while shopping.
  • Listen and ask open-ended questions.

Speak softly, in close proximity, to improve the child’s listening skills. Expect your child to repeat the directive for understanding. Praise your little one when the instructions are carried out. Mom and dad, consistency helps. Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes”, and your “No” be “No” from Matthew 5:37a are wise words. The more we negotiate with young children, the more they think the rules and instructions can be debated.

Make conversations a natural part of your day, in the car, at mealtime… anytime. Get to know your child’s heart. Love is expressed in actions and words. Listening includes both. Remember, communication is key to great relationships so avoid tech traps and communicate well with your kids.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15 ESV

© 2021 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash