Family Fun at the Thanksgiving Table

Family Fun at the Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving, a time to for family members to have fun with one another. When families join together around a holiday dinner table, reminiscing and reconnecting build long-lasting relationships. Gratitude is an attitude to encourage is kids of all ages, and adults too! Make part of your time together a learning experience for everyone too. If…

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What’s Our Mission as a Family?

What’s Our Mission as a Family?

Family mission statements define the values, vision, and expectations of the family. Children typically live up to the expectations set for them. A well-defined description of who a family is and what they believe clarifies overarching goals for each member of the family. What’s your family’s statement of intent? Faith-filled families are centered in Jesus…

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Parent Tips for Healthy Social Media Use

Parent Tips for Healthy Social Media Use

Parents often ask for tips for teen social media use. My usual response is to remind their kids that phones are tools not toys, Google is a resource library, and social media is meant to be social. Unfortunately, with the average person spending 2.5 hours a day on social media platforms, the boundaries for our…

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Grandparents, Family History Bridge Builders

Grandparents are Family History Bridge Builders

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. . Grandparents can be fantastic family history bridge builders. They are the bridge between the past with their own memories of their parents and grandparents to the…

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12 Tips for Your Fussy Eater

12 Tips for Your Fussy Eater

Do you need tips to get your fussy eater to eat? Mealtime can be fun family time. But fussy eaters can be aggravating and worrisome for parents. Food is fuel for the human body and good nutrition is necessary for proper growth. When kids won’t eat, it’s downright frustrating. Try these 12 tips for family…

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10 Tips for Difficult Family Gatherings

A rustic table setting with a lattice-topped pie and a bowl of apples captures the essence of family gatherings. Text reads: "10 Tips for Difficult Family Gatherings" alongside URLs and Wheat stalks add to the charm.

Family gatherings can be a time of joy, a time of angst or everything in between. God created our families. It’s our responsibility to try our best to be a loving peace keeper, even with the really difficult relatives. And there’s usually at least one in every family. The uncle who consistently asks inappropriate questions, the…

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Grandchildren Helping with Family Dinner

A warmly lit dining table is set for dinner with plates, candles, and glass bottles. The text reads "Grandchildren Joyfully Helping." Visit and for more heartwarming moments.

Give grandchildren, littles, middles and bigs, a job to do when gathering as a family. Grandma Gail has found a great way to get all the children working together as soon as they arrive. She has plates, glassware, and silverware out, ready to go on the table. All are part of the party preparations. The…

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The Intentional Grandparenting Plan

Silhouetted family holding hands on a beach at sunset. Text reads: "The Intentional Grandparenting Plan" with website "" in yellow, embodying the essence of intentional grandparenting.

Guest blogger and coauthor of Faithful Grandparenting, Carol Olsen, is passionate about grandparents speaking into the lives of their grandchildren. Watch for more ideas from Carol! Becoming intentional in your grandparenting takes planning. In our grandparent classes and in Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations, we encourage making a PLAN… an intentional grandparenting plan.…

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The Bible: A Family’s Guide to Life

An open Bible radiates wisdom against a sunlit path in the park, framed by lush grass and trees. Text overlays read "The Bible: A Family's Guide to Life" and "

Faith lessons and family values are rooted at home, in what a child learns, observes, and lives each day. So, how well do your children know the Bible, God’s Guidebook for life? Can your children defend their beliefs? Can they stick to biblical principles and family values despite the whims of society? I’ve noticed in…

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Managing the Family Calendar

A calendar open to a monthly view graces the table beside a basket and steaming coffee. The text reads, "Managing the Family Calendar" and "," perfectly capturing the essence of organization.

Managing the family calendar is no easy task! Families are stretched to the max. Most are overwhelmed. How much is enough? My family is too busy! I’m exhausted and my kids are too! These are the comments often made by both moms and dads when talking about the family calendar. It’s so easy to get…

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