What Do I Tell My Kids During COVID and Riots?

What do I tell my kids during COVID-19? How much news do I share with my preschooler? Why does the topic of racism spark heated conversations with my teen? Parenting is hard, always. A world pandemic and social unrest compounds the job. With littles, be sure the information you share is developmentally appropriate for the age…

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Please Listen to Me

A person is slicing fresh cilantro with a large knife on a cutting board. A jar is nearby, and a basket of vegetables waits in the background. Amidst the rhythmic chop and crunch, one might almost listen for the whisper of flavors to come. The person wears a ring and watch on their left hand.

As a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, listening was one of the skills five and six-year-old students worked on often. You’ve heard the old adage, “With two ears and one mouth, listen twice as often as you speak.” The older I get, the more I realize this skill is one not easily mastered by…

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Date Night

A couple stands on grass, holding hands on what seems to be a perfect date. The word "FOREVER" is spelled with Scrabble tiles resting in the open palms of their hands, layered together. The woman's hands are on top, adorned with a lace dress and bracelets.

Spontaneous date night is not really an option with little ones in the house. A plan is necessary! Unfortunately the plan is often times determined by the babysitter’s schedule. Funny how a thirteen-year-old can dictate date night. Sick kids can play into the equation too. I remember one special evening. Scott and I had a wonderful…

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A Mountaintop Moment

A scenic view of a snowy mountaintop with a ski lift in operation. Skiers and snowboarders are visible on the slopes under a clear blue sky. The sun shines brightly, creating lens flare effects, while pine trees are scattered in the foreground.

Downhill skiing is one of my family’s favorite sports. Minnesota skiing is fun but mountain skiing is exhilarating. There’s something about the anticipation of a long run down the slope that gets the adrenaline pumping. Smelling the pines, hearing the swoosh of snow on each turn, and seeing the delighted smiles on the kids’ faces…

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