12 Tips for Your Fussy Eater

12 Tips for Your Fussy Eater

Do you need tips to get your fussy eater to eat? Mealtime can be fun family time. But fussy eaters can be aggravating and worrisome for parents. Food is fuel for the human body and good nutrition is necessary for proper growth. When kids won’t eat, it’s downright frustrating. Try these 12 tips for family…

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Avoid Tech Traps and Communicate Well

A family of three delights in a breakfast of waffles, sausages, and fruit at a white table decorated with small plants. The text reads, "Communicate Well & Avoid Tech Traps," while FaithFirstParent.com is prominently displayed.

Communication is key to great relationships. Kids need a lot of coaching for good communication skills. They learn by watching, listening and having discussions with others. Avoid tech traps and communicate well with your kids. Verbal communication is much more than just the words we speak. The tone and volume impart meaning as much as…

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Focusing on Fussy Eaters

A vibrant salad bowl on a wooden table showcases an artful medley for even the fussiest of eaters: sliced avocado, cherry tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, chickpeas, roasted sweet potato cubes, watermelon radish slices, shredded purple cabbage, green leafy lettuce, and microgreens drizzled with dressing.

“Last night I made three meals for my son and he would not even take one bite! What am I going to do with my fussy kid?” This was the start of a conversation I had with an exasperated mom. The little boy was extremely finicky. Mom was at the end of the line, not…

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Getting into the Swing of Things… SCHOOL!

A stack of school books with an apple on top sits on a wooden table. To the right, colorful wooden blocks spell "ABC," surrounded by several colored pencils. An abstract painting is blurred in the background.

Few things will assist you and your children with a smooth transition back to school as much as a well-established routine and good preparation. Take into consideration sleep habits and family mealtimes. Determine where backpacks and school supplies are going to be kept. Decide on where homework will be done. Preparing before the first day…

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