Posts Tagged ‘reading’
Social Emotional Learning for Littles
Three of my favorite tools for parents of littles when teaching social emotional learning skills are modeling, reading. and encouraging. All three are easy to wrap into the daily routine for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-age children. Within the context of modeling, reading, and encouraging, identify the emotions to help your child put a name to…
Read MoreEncouraging Summer Reading
Encouraging summer reading can be difficult. Sometimes kids need a little incentive to read during the summer months. Here’s a tried and true idea to get kids motivated and reading…Book Bingo! There are kids who are naturally drawn to books. I was one of these kids; flashlight under the pillow, a few books going at…
Read MoreLiteracy Skills for Preschoolers
Pre-reading learning activities are an essential part of a preschooler’s education. Reading, writing, and communicating are valuable tools which can be taught at an early age. Parents can encourage pre-reading, writing, and communication skills during daily activities. You can easily enhance your child’s proficiency by incorporating simple activities and conversations at home. Pre-Reading Activities When…
Read MoreQuiet Time for Little Kids to Rest
Quiet Time is a gift for parents. It’s also a gift for little kids! After a busy morning followed by lunch, an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate is good for everybody- adults, little kids, and everyone in between. There’s a reason “peace” and “quiet” are often stated together! Try these tips to incorporate Quiet Time…
Read MoreEngaging Young Readers
Summer, a time for more unstructured play and activities. Enrich your child’s summer with learning activities to spark the imagination and expand the mind. Literacy, writing and reading to interpret and communicate meaning, is an essential part of your child’s education. Make the most of everyday opportunities to encourage literacy in your child. Reading When reading…
Read MoreEncouraging the JOY of Reading
Spending time with preschoolers is truly fun. Little kids are so incredibly excited about life and learning. They have few inhibitions, ask funny questions, and tell humorous stories. It’s always an adventure in a PreK classroom. Usually, I work with parents and staff, but occasionally I’m invited to read to the children. Typically the teachers…
Read MoreLearning Habits for Little Students
Good learning habits start early. If you have a preschooler or kindergartener, you might have noticed a HUGE desire to be like the big kids and “do” homework. If so, use it to your child’s advantage. Young students can benefit greatly by identifying letters and numbers, sorting objects, and counting. Have “Homework Time” by reinforcing…
Read MoreRaising a Bookworm
The summer months are a great time to dig into books, just for the joy of reading. What better way to spend sultry summer afternoons than with a good book in a backyard hammock? The local library is a great source of endless adventures to entice the imagination in children of all ages. Give your…
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