TOO Busy? 3 Tips for Over-Scheduled Families

2019… a new calendar with loads of space, but not for long in most families. Over-scheduling is an ever-growing trend in our culture because kids have too many activities, too much homework, and too many social media outlets vying for their attention. We as parents aren’t much better. Between work, family and other obligations, we’re running as fast as we can, trying to catch up.

Here are three ways to curb the madness of the busy schedule. Use these tips to encourage you and your family to slow down in 2019.

1. Use the word NO more frequently.

These two little letters are a powerful combination. It’s usually one of the first words a child learns and wields like a sword to get his own way. Moms on the other hand are more attuned to yes, not necessarily to our kids but to other adults but because it’s hard to say no. We choose to be involved because we want to be involved. Please know, I am NOT saying don’t serve. I’m encouraging you to be selective in how you choose to participate. You do not have to volunteer every time. Here are a some considerations before becoming over-committed.
• Be selective
• Make the family calendar into consideration.
• Respond with “Thanks. I’ll think about it and get back to you.”
• Pray about each opportunity. Is it a calling or obligation?
• Talk to your kids. Do they want you to help out?
• Is it truly a good fit for you?

Volunteer with joy when you decide. If it’s a burden or added too much pressure, it’s probably not a good fit. Don’t be afraid to say no. You can always follow up with, “Give me a call next time.”

2. Prioritize all activities.

During a quiet time, assess what your personal priorities are as a woman, wife, and mother. At a family meeting, discuss what’s really important to each family member.
• Do you have time to serve others?
• Is there downtime to relax?
• Is there time for your family to have meals together or a family fun night activity? Make some changes to the calendar to create time for your family to be together.

As a young mom, an older, wiser mom encouraged me to limit the number of activities in which my own children were participating. It was as if she gave me permission to say no to the culture. Veteran moms need to speak into the lives of our younger counterparts. One of the more popular classes I lead is Calendar Chaos. A mom recently pulled me aside after an event and thanked me for sharing my story and affirming her family’s decision to not get on the hamster wheel with an activity every night after school.

3. Rest

“Busy” is not a badge of honor, yet we seem to use the term as if we’re in a popularity contest where the busiest is the best. Think about what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and for whom. In the past I was thrilled to see an empty space on the calendar. Now I plan those days, You can too! Mark a day on the calendar that’s just a day to catch up, rest, and refresh.

May your 2019 be filled with peaceful moments and empty squares on the calendar for you and your family!

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

© 2018 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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