Attitude, Perseverance, and a Few Good Friends

My teenage son, the one with the spiral fracture of the tibia and fibula, has learned to negotiate life the past seven weeks in a new way. His attitude, ability to persevere, and circle of friends have made all the difference. (If you need some background information on his injury refer the blog “Stitches and Staples”.) He has gone from complete dependency to relative independence physically.

Of course, there are ups and downs everyday. Having a key to the elevator at the high school helps. Navigating crowded hallways is trying. He is participating in his spring sport from a wheelchair. Not exactly what he had in mind but it works. His attitude to try rather than give up has benefitted him.

God has placed good friends in his life. Proverbs 17:17 speaks of a friend loving at all times, the good and the not so good. My son’s friends visited him during his three days in the hospital, came to do homework together, and would hang out in the family room just to keep him company. One buddy picks him up for school each day, getting out of the car to stash the backpack and crutches in the backseat for him so he doesn’t have to struggle. The journey is not as difficult when you have friends by your side to traverse the rocky road of life.

God is good. His question of “Why?” has turned to how can he make this situation better. He is learning to do life with a temporary handicap, developing compassion for the disabled. He pushes through the tough days with determination, persevering. And he is thankful for the friends who have come alongside him, gifts from the One who loves him the most.

© 2012 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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by Chang Duong on Unsplash