Dealing with Anger and Anxiety
There’s no doubt COVID-19 has rocked our world and stress is running high. Dealing with anxiety is hard. Routines have changed. Most of us are homebound. Many are disappointed, anxious, frustrated or downright scared. The stress can become too much. And when we’re anxious for any reason, we tend to take out our frustrations on…
Read MoreAvoid COVID-19 Rumors and Fear
Avoid rumors and accompanied fears of COVID-19 with accurate and up-to-date information. The sources we choose will heighten our anxiety or quell our trepidation. We all know media outlets differ in approaches, hype, and political bent. Choose wisely, listen well, go to the source, and share the facts. When discussing the pandemic with your family,…
Read MoreSocial Media and COVID-19
COVID-19 is trending on social media and we are the reason. While connecting with the greater world on social media can be comforting, it can also add angst and discontent. Humor, helpful ideas, and stories of others coping with social distancing and sheltering at home with ease can make us wonder why we aren’t…
Read MoreCreating a Home Learning Routine
Creating a home learning routine will save a lot of angst for you and your kids. Are you home, leading your children in their online schoolwork? Schools around the nation are closed to protect families and staff from the spread of COVID-19. While the family time can be a plus, suddenly having your kitchen table…
Read MoreHow to Talk About COVID-19 to Young Children
COVID-19, Coronavirus, has created unprecedented challenges for our nation and world, not to mention all of us parents. Talking to children, stressing hope and love, is will help to lessen the anxiety many children are experiencing. Encouraging and modeling trust in God and His sovereignty will strengthen your child’s faith and your own. When talking…
Read MoreNurturing Kindness
Kindness, empathy, helpfulness, compassion, and love are a part of how we care for others. Children who are nurtured in caring families are more likely to become kind adults. Make kindness and compassion part of the fabric of your family life. Ten Tips to Encourage Kindness Praise kind actions and words. We are often quick…
Read MoreLent: Time Well Spent
Take time for the 40 days of Lent this year. From Ash Wednesday, February 25, through Good Friday, April 10, make a point in teaching children why we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. Daily short lessons during Lent will make an impact on our kids’ faith. Lenten Ideas for Families • Read the…
Read MoreQuiet Time for Little Kids to Rest
Quiet Time is a gift for parents. It’s also a gift for little kids! After a busy morning followed by lunch, an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate is good for everybody- adults, little kids, and everyone in between. There’s a reason “peace” and “quiet” are often stated together! Try these tips to incorporate Quiet Time…
Read MoreIndoor Fun for Cold Winter Days
Indoor Fun for Cold Winter Days “What do we DO with our little ones when it’s too cold to play outside?” I’ve had requests for help recently from moms and dads, thus Tips for Frigid Day Fun. Wintertime is no longer a novelty in February, especially when then the air temperature and windchill dip below zero.…
Read MoreRaising a CREATIVE Kid
Raising a CREATIVE Kid When Scott and I were in the Sistine Chapel, the art of Michelangelo and Bottichelli took my breath away. The attention to detail, the color, and the time commitment in creating these magnificent frescoes make for an unbelievably beautiful work of art. And Michelangelo climbed up scaffolding and painted flat on…
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