Nurturing Kindness

Kindness, empathy, helpfulness, compassion, and love are a part of how we care for others. Children who are nurtured in caring families are more likely to become kind adults. Make kindness and compassion part of the fabric of your family life.

Ten Tips to Encourage Kindness 

  1. Praise kind actions and words. We are often quick to correct kids but not necessarily acknowledge positive behavior.
  2. Expect children to be problem-solvers and err on the side of kindness in conflicts.
  3. Practice good listening skills and assist your children in learning to listen to others.
  4. Assign chores. When everyone shares in the care of the home, everyone benefits.
  5. Require children to take care of their own possessions and bedrooms.
  6. Encourage respect and polite manners.
  7. Guard your own tongue. Children are quick to mimic words and phrases of adults.
  8. Discuss nonverbal communication cues. Facial expressions and posture are good indications of feelings.
  9. Stop rude behavior immediately.
  10. Be a good role model by showing empathy, compassion, and kindness to others.

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© 2020 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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