Six Signs of Bullying Behavior

Bullies are everywhere, especially these days. Kindness is at an all time low. Bullying behavior is not just mean, it’s contempt and cruelty. It is more than teasing, it’s repetitive and unwanted. The goal of the bully is to dehumanize and ostracize the targeted individual. Surprisingly, bullying can begin as early as age five, the age…

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10 Tips for Winter Playtime

Outdoor play is really good for kids. It’s good for everybody to enjoy the great outdoors. Get little ones bundled up to play outside during the winter months. The snow adventures are well worth the effort! Here are a few tips to get geared up for a day in the snow. Schedule a family meeting to…

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Faith-filled Christmas Books for Kids

There are a lot of Christmas books about Santa, elves, and even llamas. Focus on the true story of Christmas. Find faith-filled books for kids to teach them the REAL reason for celebrating. Through the years, Scott and I have given our boys hardcover Christmas books, focusing on Jesus. They each have a mini holiday…

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The Christmas Snowflake Tradition

    Snowflakes are indicative of Christmas in Minnesota. For a snow lover, a white Christmas is of the utmost importance! My family’s Christmas snowflake tradition fills my heart with love, light, and snowflakes. Traditions bind families together, creating and maintaining connections to the past, especially Christmas traditions. This time of year, we often return…

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Avoid Tech Traps and Communicate Well

Communication is key to great relationships. Kids need a lot of coaching for good communication skills. They learn by watching, listening and having discussions with others. Avoid tech traps and communicate well with your kids. Verbal communication is much more than just the words we speak. The tone and volume impart meaning as much as…

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Why Whining Works

The simple answer to “Why do kids whine?” is whining works. When the volume and intensity increase the easiest way to make it stop is to give in. When parents and grandparents give in, the message is, “WHINING WORKS”. Five Tips to Stop Whining 1. Have a plan in place. Know what you will do…

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Get Yourself Some Girlfriends, Godly Girlfriends

Mom, do you have an inner circle of Jesus-loving, godly girlfriends? If not, I highly recommend pursuing relationships where you can be transparent, authentic, and vulnerable. Choose friends that value you as divinely created, blessed, and precious in God’s eyes. I love my inner circle fiercely. My prayer warrior girlfriends have seen me at my best…

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Purposeful Prayer

Prayer is the conduit to heaven. Prayer provides strength and peace to our lives and covers our families with spiritual protection. So why don’t we pray more often? Prayer takes time. Period. We have to create space in our busy lives for prayer. S.D. Gordon sums it up well, “Great people of the earth today…

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Social Emotional Learning

Getting along with others requires an ongoing skill set. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process of developing and applying skills to self-regulate emotions, empathize with others, set and attain goals, form and retain friendships, and make responsible decisions. Learning to self-regulate is a skill for life. As parents and teachers, we can promote social…

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12 Tips to Stop Kids from Biting

Bites hurt! These 12 tips will help stop your little one from chomping down on others. Baby teeth may be small, but a young child who’s biting needs to learn quickly it’s not okay. Little kids bite for a variety of reasons. They’re overtired, teething, needing attention, or feeling out of control. Young children have a…

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