COVID-19 Pandemic History for Kids

Guest blogger, Carol Olsen, is passionate about grandparents speaking into the lives of their grandchildren. When discussing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on family life, she determined to make this a teachable moment in history. Here is one of her ideas to incorporate real life into family history.

A Time to Remember

We are all are living through an amazing period of history filled with disappointments, fear, sadness, and a lot of time at home. A pandemic of this magnitude is a passing epoch and most likely will not return again for at least several generations. Help grandchildren understand that today’s unusual situations will be tomorrow’s history.  Bring history in the making alive by creating a scrapbook to remember 2020 to document this time for their own grandchildren.

Creating a 2020 Scrapbook  

  1. Provide a thin 3-ring notebook for each child.
  2. Create a fun cover and title page with your name and your grandchild’s name as the authors because this history is for your grandchild. Leave space for the child to illustrate the cover page.
  3. Download and print A Time to Remember Letter to sign and date. Use a three-hole punch to add the page to the scrapbook.
  4. Download and print A Time to Remember Questions (for older or younger children) or write your own questions determined by the age of the grandchild. For little ones, keep the questions very simple to be “answered” with a drawing. Use a three-hole punch to add the page to the scrapbook.
  5. Create a reference calendar of events that mark the historical dating of the pandemic (initial outbreak, school closings, etc.). Use a three-hole punch to add the calendar of dates to the scrapbook.
  6. Add large mailing envelopes to the scrapbook for newspapers, articles, masks, and such.
  7. Place a plastic envelope in the scrapbook for photos and other items.
  8. Add a word of encouragement from Philippians 4:6 to the end of the scrapbook.
    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

An alternative is to ask your grandchild the questions, over the phone. You can record the answers and collect a few items to put in the scrapbook.


Faith First Parent is introducing GRANDPARENTING! Carol Olsen is a teacher, parent educator, cable TV personality, author, mother of three, and the grandmother of eight. Most importantly, she’s a Christ follower. Carol has mentored me the past 20 years, through thick and thin, with my two kids. I love her spirit, commitment to faith, and her desire to build connections within families. Please share her ideas with others to promote GREAT grandparent connections with kids!

© 2020 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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