He is Risen…Resurrection Garden


One of my favorite Bible characters is Timothy. This young man so impressed Paul that he became his “true son in the faith” (1Timothy 1:2). How did he come to know God’s Word as a child? His mother and grandmother! Paul wrote, I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Timothy 1:5). These two women built a strong foundation of faith in Timothy. He was so devout in his faith, Paul took him under his wing. How intentional Timothy’s mom and grandma must have been in living faithfully and instructing purposefully.

We can best teach our children when we’re learning ourselves. What do you know about Easter? Is it a holiday for chocolate bunnies, colorful eggs, and jelly beans or is it the celebration of the resurrection of the Savior of the world? Don’t get me wrong, my family dyes eggs and eats a fair share of foil-covered chocolate bunnies! But kids really do learn what they live. Instead of just dying eggs this year, incorporate the symbols of the resurrection in your family celebration.

Start this week by planting a Resurrection Garden for Easter. I saw the idea on “We are That Family” blog by Kristen Welch and decided to make one for my family.

Resurrection Garden for Easter
container- deep enough for soil and grass
small pot or container
potting soil
stone large enough to cover opening in pot
grass seed
small stones
whole cloves
spray bottle filled with water
optional: mini plants, blue glass beads, plastic wrap

Place soil in container. Lay small pot on its side for the opening on the tomb. Cover with soil. Set large stone at the entrance of the tomb. Use small stones to create a path. Add mini plants. Sprinkle with grass seed, avoiding stone path. Sprinkle whole cloves in the pot. Spray to moisten soil and seeds. Place in a sunny window. Water as needed.
NOTE: Cover with plastic wrap to create a “greenhouse” for the germinating seeds.

Add God’s Word to your project time! Read the story in John 19:38-42, where Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus prepare Jesus’ body and lay him in the tomb. On Easter morning, roll away the stone and read John 20:1-8 to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

He is not here; he has risen!
Luke 24:6a

© 2013 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
Garden photo by B. Danielson
