Kids Need Grandparents

Kids need older adults in their lives. Grandparents can fill a tremendous role in modeling and guiding a younger generation. Here’s a list from Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations of reasons grandchildren need their grandparents. Not every point may fit your situation, but all are valid reasons for grandparenting well.

Top Eight Reasons Grandchildren NEED Their Faith-filled Grandparents

  1. Grandparents are stabilizing roots of the family tree.
  2. Grandparents exemplify faith in Jesus Christ.
  3. Grandparents love unconditionally.
  4. Grandparents can often be more flexible with their time than parents.
  5. Grandparents are the storytellers of family history.
  6. Grandparents have gained wisdom from lifelong experiences.
  7. Grandparents are often eager to be part of a grandchild’s life.
  8. Grandparents can be FUN!1

Connect with your grands. Take the time to build lasting relationships. Have fun with the little, middle, and big kids God has blessed you with in your family!

Need ideas for connecting with your grandchildren? Check out our grandparenting posts from seasoned seniors. Interested in buying a copy of Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations? If so, CLICK HERE!

© 2021 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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1. Danielson and Olsen, Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations (Colorado Springs: Equip Press) 2021.

Wildenberg and Danielson, Raising Little Kids with Big Love (Friendswood, Bold Vision Books, 2014) p. 46-47.

Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash