Matters of Faith

Faith matters. Foundational faith practices come from intentional leading. How Mom, Dad, and other adults model faith building helps children develop their own faith habits.

The bible is a roadmap, instruction book, and communication tool all rolled into one. Reading the bible with children of any age provides a solid foundation in faith. The lessons learned today will translate into truth for the future when the going gets rough. When Mom and Dad lean on God, scripture, and faith-filled friends, children learn to do the same. These practices become habits in times of need and celebration. We as parents will not do it all perfectly, but where we’re lacking, God fills in the gaps.

If you don’t well-equipped to lead your family in faith matters, you’re not alone. Little kids expect Mom and Dad to know everything. Truly, it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers. Learn with your children! The goal is to guide children to develop faith habits that last a lifetime.

Tips for Incorporating Faith Practices into Family Life 

1. Find a good time of day that works for your family: bedtime, breakfast, quiet time after lunch or family dinnertime.

2. Begin with stories. Throughout the New Testament Jesus taught in parables. He asked questions. Follow his teaching example by asking your children open-ended questions.

3.  Keep in mind, the younger the child the shorter the verse or scripture lesson.

4.  Weave prayer into your family’s daily activities. Saying grace at mealtime is a great way to start a meal quietly with a focus on gratitude. Make prayer personal for your children by including family, friends, classmates, teachers, and neighbors.

Learn bible lessons alongside your children. Pray together consistently. Lead your children to a life in Christ, built on solid faith.

© 2021 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash

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